Foodstuffs Own Brands

FY24 again showed that New Zealanders continue to love our Pams brand, with over a million customers buying Pams products every week. During the year we introduced more than 150 new Pams products, expanding our offering to more than 2,600 products.

Strong unit and sales growth proved shoppers are looking for value, and our brands offer that. We remained ever-conscious of the rising cost of living, and that Pams provides us the opportunity to deliver even greater value to New Zealanders. Our better-buying programme maximised sourcing efficiency, leaving no stone unturned in delivering quality products at competitive prices.

This didn’t come without challenges, particularly around sourcing some products in short supply due to offshore conflicts and extreme weather events here and overseas, though we remained quick to adapt and keep vital Pams products on-shelf at a great price.

Throughout the year we focused on developing our brands and laying the groundwork to provide products that meet the needs of every New Zealander – including the rollout of our refreshed Pams brand strategy, with three offerings that make it easier to find Pams products to suit every budget. We introduced Pams Value, the reliable choice for affordable basics, joining Pams and Pams Finest.

Our refresh was backed by an engaging marketing campaign that proudly positions Pams as ‘the most popular grocery brand in the land’, based on data, and celebrates its well-known “little red square” logo.

Other ways Foodstuffs Own Brands delivered for customers in FY24:

  • Continued our partnership with the RSA and NZ Defence Force, sending Christmas packages full of Pams products to Kiwi soldiers deployed overseas
  • Partnered with Social Supermarkets, delivering Christmas meal packages to more than 1,200 families in need
  • Continued our partnership with NZ Heart Foundation, exceeding our FY25 target of at least 70% of relevant Pams products meeting the Foundation’s criteria for sodium, saturated fat, and/or sugar
  • Helping customers make healthier choices, by providing Health Star Ratings on 99% of relevant Own Brand products.

For more on Foodstuffs’ social partnerships, see our ESG report here.

Over the coming year we’ll continue to work on Pams’ reputation as the most popular grocery brand in New Zealand, and we’ll keep rolling out our three-tiered Pams offering with new packaging designs, and enhance our Better Buying so we can keep delivering cost-effective products. We’re also optimising our award-winning product development programme to get customer driven products to stores faster.