We’re immensely proud of what our co-op has achieved and delivered for all our stakeholders – Members, teams, suppliers, communities and New Zealand in the last year.

Stores across the North Island

We opened eight new stores in the North Island, taking the total to 320.
These new stores included a PAK’nSAVE in Warkworth and Gilmours wholesale in Napier, plus six new Four Squares: two in Auckland (Onehunga, Britomart), two for Taranaki (Waverley and Fitzroy), and one each for the Bay of Plenty (Mount Maunganui) and Waikato (Te Kowhai).
Anna and Tim Carmichael open PAK'nSAVE Warkworth

Combined Member store revenue
Sales across our retail stores (New World, PAK’nSAVE, Four Square) and wholesale stores (Gilmours) rose 9.6% in FY24.
Statutory revenue, which reflects gross Member purchases from our Distribution Centres and net Member charges through purchases, was up 9.1% to $9.2b
For all the numbers, click here

Invested in stores

That’s how much we invest on average each year building and refurbishing our stores.
Key investments in FY24 included opening a new $20 million Gilmours Hawke’s Bay distribution site.
In FY25, we plan to open at least six new stores, three New Worlds, one PAK’nSAVE, and six Four Squares, one at Opunake in Taranaki.
It’s intended that, a further 30 seismic upgrades will be completed by the end of 2025.

Months we beat official food inflation

We closely track price increases in our stores and compare them against Stats NZ’s official rate of food inflation.
For the past two years Foodstuffs stores nationally have almost always recorded a lower rate of inflation in the same categories as Stats NZ’s basket, and in FY24, we were lower in 10 of 12 months, (and the same in one other).
We think that shows our commitment to delivering value at the checkout for customers.
Read our media release here

New Social Supermarkets
We love giving back and providing meaningful support for families doing it tough, and Social Supermarkets let those facing food insecurity shop with dignity, choosing the products that meet their needs.FY24 saw us joining forces with community partners to open five new Social Supermarket – in Porirua, Paeroa, Napier, Palmerston North, and west Auckland – doubling the total number to 10.
For more info, click here

New Pams products

Pams continues to show it is the most popular grocery brand in the land, and in FY24 we introduced more than 150 new customer-driven products.
One of them, Pams Classic Pork Sausages, was a winner at the 2023 Great New Zealand Sausage Competition.
Pams now has over 2,600 products! Search the full range here

Team members in the North Island
As at 31 March 2024, we provided employment to more than 25,000 full and part-time team members throughout the North Island.
More than 22,000 are in our stores, around 1,400 in our supply chain and almost 1,500 in our support centres.
We’re proud to provide so many Kiwis with meaningful, safe and rewarding work in their local communities.
See our careers webpage
The team at PAK’nSAVE Rotorua

Bakery & butchery apprenticeships
We’re proud to be NZ’s leading provider of food preparation apprenticeships.
As at 31 March 2024, 295 team members were enrolled in our apprenticeship programmes – 125 in bakery and 170 in butchery. That includes 127 new enrolments during the year.
Another 60 completed their qualification this year – 24 in bakery and 36 in butchery.
For more info, click here

Emerging supplier forums hosted
These forums give small and emerging suppliers valuable support and insights to get their products on our shelves, while connecting with other local suppliers in their network.
In FY24, we held 16 forums with more than 250 potential suppliers at various stages of their retail journeys. We actively engaged with 46 of them, 14 of whom were successful in getting their products on New World shelves.
See the forum webpage here
First photo: Emerge Small Supplier winner, Herbivore
Second photo: Rachel Prenty, Emerging Supplier Manager

Tamariki educated about nutrition

We're actively supporting the next generation of shoppers to make healthy food choices, through Food for Thought (FFT). It’s a free education programme with nutritionists delivering training to schools.
In FY24, more than 16,000 children participated nationwide – 11,186 in the North Island – getting in-class lessons and going on trips to local Foodstuffs stores.
The programme started in 2007 and more than 250,000 children have since taken part.
Learn more on the FFT website

Decrease in our lost time injury rate

We invest a lot of time and energy on making our stores and sites as safe as possible.
In FY24, FSNI’s Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate was 1.3 – which is the number of injuries resulting in at least one day or shift off work, per million hours worked.
That’s less than half the rate of 2.9 that we recorded in FY23.

Donated to local communities

Our local Owner Operators work in the heart of their communities. Being local, they know their communities well and are passionate about supporting areas where they see the greatest need, including through financial giving.
In FY24, our Owner-Operators gave $7 million to their local communities, including sports teams, schools and community groups. That’s up 18% on FY23.
For more info, click here
Left: Four Square Parakai prepares food donations